Pastor Lenard Pope Sr.
& Lady Lydia Pope
Senior Pastor LeNard Pope is married to Lydia Pope of 13 years. They reside in North Randall, Ohio. Together they have 4 children (2 boys & 2 girls), 4 grandchildren and 1 adopted daughter.
LeNard ministry roots run deep. His father Bishop James Pope, Uncle Bishop J.E. Pope and Bishop Clarence Pope, brother, and host of Elders and ministers have been ministering God’s message for decades.
LeNard Pope was raised at Christ Temple Apostolic Faith Church, of Cleveland Oh, under the late Bishop Stanley Halton. Upon turning 18 years old, LeNard left to pursue higher education outside of Cleveland
Ohio. Later joined Shiloh Ministries under Pastor Jimmy Booze. In 2001 joined Body of Christ Assembly (Non-denominational) under Bishop Eric Kincaid Clark where he served as
Associate Pastor. In 2022 God called him to plant a work. To this, Grace Fellowship Assembly was birthed.
Welcome to Grace Fellowship Assembly. As Senior Pastor, I want to thank you for joining our ministry. We are a prepared people for a preferred time. We are where God wants us at the time he wants us here for the purpose of doing his will. As pastor, my job is to equip you with the tools you need to be an effective disciple, to understand the plan of salvation and how to share your faith with others. The most effective tool in witnessing is the life
we live. We’re not called to be perfect (flawless), but we are called to be perfect (mature). In other words, our walk has to get better every day. If we focus on the present day, it will turn into weeks, then months, years, and ultimately a way of life.
My job is to hear from God about what he would have me say to his people. I will make sure I deliver his message in a way that is palatable to his people. I look forward to serving you and your family. I encourage you to get involved with any of our ministries. We are “A Prepared People for a Preferred Time” and welcome your presence.